Meet some of our Trainees!
Our inbound trainees come from all around the world. As students soon discover, the Netherlands can be very different from the country they come from. As students who usually have previous experience with agriculture or the type of work they are doing, they now have the opportunity to see how much industries can differ or compare throughout countries. As a cultural experience, it is easiest to transition by simply "doing what the Dutch do." Students are adapting to the differences in the industries they work in, as well as differences in the culture, the people, the food, and even the weather!
Click on the Trainees' names below to see and hear about their experience so far in the Netherlands:
Bianca Revolti Oliveira
Muhammad Ariansyah
Galina Garaeva
Wataru Shimanuki and Satoshi Matsumoto
Amina Beeler
Amanda from the US
Catarina from Portugal
Marina from Japan
Gibyeong from South Korea
NoƩmie from Switzerland
Rexy from Indonesia
Tommi from Finland
Hideaki from Japan
Ha-Gyeong from South Korea